The juvenile justice system is set up to serve our children’s interests, their welfare and the interests of society, to preserve and strengthen family ties whenever possible, including improvement of the home, to remove a child from the custody of his parents only when his welfare and safety or the protection of the public would otherwise be endangered and, in either instance, for the courts to proceed with all possible speed to a legal determination that will serve the best interests of the child, and to secure for any child removed from the custody of his parents the necessary care, guidance, and discipline to assist him in becoming a responsible and productive member of society.
While we agree with these ideals, our experience has shown us that the juvenile justice system often fails to protect these rights for our children. To that end, we believe that an attorney’s role in advocating for your children is crucial. We take great pride in working with young people and have done so effectively in a variety of contexts. Defending juvenile charges, detention hearings, school expulsion hearings, and similar matters are within our expertise.